Conditions of Hire

Booking Application

All applications must be completed in full on the 'Seasonal Sporting Hire Application' and returned to Community Venues via email 

Confirmation of booking

All applicants must follow the procedures outlined in the Guidelines for Seasonal Hire of a Sporting Facility. 

The Hirer will be responsible for ensuring the use of the facility and/or reserve complies with the approved purpose and all other conditions of hire.
Any hirer granted approval to use a City facility and/or reserve is at no time permitted to sub-lease or make it available for hire to any other individual or group except with written permission from the City of Cockburn.

Schedule of fees

Compliance with the City’s Fees and Charges form part of these conditions.

Usage Times

Approval to use a Council Facility and/or Reserve applies only to the times and dates outlined on the Seasonal Sporting Hire Application and confirmed by Recreation Services Community Venues.

Clubs wishing to use a Reserve beyond 9.00pm Sunday through to Thursday and 10.00pm Friday & Saturday must receive written consent from the City.

At no time is any club activity in a clubroom to extend beyond 1am.

Consumption of Alcohol

The hirer must comply with provisions of the Liquor Licensing Act 1988.

Alcohol may not be consumed on any reserve or any facility without written permission from the City of Cockburn. If the hirer holds a Liquor Licence then a copy of this must accompany the 'Seasonal Sporting Hire Application'.


Smoking is strictly prohibited in and around all council facilities.  The hirer may allocate a designated smoking area in an outdoor location, as per the City’s Smoke Free Environment Policy.


It is the responsibility of the Hirer to leave the facility and immediate surrounds clean and tidy.  All food scraps, rubbish, general dirt and grease is to be cleaned up at the end of each day.  Change rooms, clubrooms and perimeter paved areas are to be kept free of dirt and debris and all kitchen surfaces are to be cleaned after use each day.  Seasonal hirers are responsible for ensuring that all wet areas including toilets and showers are cleaned and also the replacement of consumables such as toilet paper and soap.  Spectator areas must be cleaned of all rubbish at the conclusion of all match fixtures.


Please ensure that any notable damage is reported prior to the commencement of your playing season.  All damage is to be reported to the City during business hours (Monday to Friday).

The driving of nails, tacks, screws, etc into walls or furniture is prohibited.

Sporting clubs will be invoiced for the repair of any damages to the facility that can be directly attributed to the club’s members or through failing to secure the premises after use.


The hirer will ensure that all lights are turned off and any doors, windows and gates are locked at the end of each use. Call outs for CoSafe Security Patrols caused by the hirer or resident complaints will incur a fine.

Compliance with Legislation

The hirer must comply with the provisions of all relevant State and Commonwealth legislation and in particular, the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the Environmental Protection (Noise regulations) 1997 and Health Act 1911.

Compliance with Local Laws

The hirer must ensure compliance with the City of Cockburn’s local laws.

Special Events

All special events outside the seasonal hire times must be booked through the City of Cockburn Community Venues team and abide by any special conditions as indicated by that officer.


Any repair of damage to the City’s reticulation by pegs,  stakes or star pickets will be at the expense of the hirer. Where possible plastic pegs should be used for shelters and sport equipment. Plastic pegs are available from Recreation Services free of charge to City of Cockburn sporting clubs, please contact the Community Venues team.

If metal pegs are used on a reserve they should be painted in a visible colour.  The City recommends blue or orange so they can be easily identified in grass. 

Marquees larger than nine square metres (3m x 3m) must be approved by the Recreation Services Department.

All line markings on reserves are the responsibility of the hirer.  The only approved line marking agents are those outlined under the appropriate section of the Guidelines for Seasonal Hire of a Sporting Facility .  Use of any other line marking agents without written consent of the City is a breach of conditions.

No signage is to be erected at a Council facility and/or reserve without prior written approval from the City of Cockburn. Please contact the Community Venues Officers to discuss your requirements in the first instance. 


Any items left by the hirer at a Council facility and/or reserve run the risk of being utilised by other parties.  The City accepts no responsibility for use, damage or theft of these items.  High-pressure storage systems such as barbecue gas bottles must not be stored in Council facilities.  All chemicals, including: paint, kerosene, cleaning fluids, etc must be stored in correctly labelled containers.

Use of Clubroom by the out of season club

Whilst the primary use of the clubroom falls with the ‘in season’ club there is an expectation by the City that the clubroom be made available to the ‘out of season’ club/s for committee meetings, registration days etc when it is available.

Special Conditions
The hirer acknowledges that any special conditions set out in the booking confirmation shall apply and be incorporated in this agreement.  In the event of any conflict between these conditions and the special conditions, the latter shall take priority.

Please note:  You are required to sign a declaration as part of your booking application that you have read, understood and agree to the conditions of hire stated above.  Please ensure you have read them thoroughly.

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City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past, present and emerging.