Request a Street Tree

Benefits of trees

Trees are an important part of any City and provide various benefits. Trees may increase property values, reduce heat in our suburbs and promote well-being. Trees clean the air, create natural screens and provide habitat. They also act as wind and noise buffers and reduce the need for artificial cooling in adjacent buildings.

Street trees for residents

A street tree is a tree the City takes care of that's growing in the area within a road reserve, verge, or median strip. The portion of a road reserve that adjoins a lot or reserve and is bounded by the road is referred to as the ‘nature strip’ or ‘'verge’. 

The City supplies street trees of 35L-90L container size for resident's verges, covering the cost of purchasing, planting and future pruning. The City will water the tree for the first three years, although residents are encouraged to supplement these waterings and inform the City if they have irrigation as this will allow us to reduce watering.

If you would like a street tree planted on your verge, please complete the online ‘Request a Street Tree’ form by clicking the orange button below.
A City officer will aim to contact you within 30 business days of your request to discuss the type of tree(s) and its location.

Request a Street Tree

What tree species can I choose?

The type of tree species received depends on:
  • Where the resident lives (zone), as different species are suited to different environments
  • Width of the verge
  • Overhead power lines 
  • Context of where the tree is likely to be planted.   

When will my verge tree be planted?

Once the tree species has been decided, the City adds it to its seasonal tree order which is submitted to the nursery approximately 12 months before the planting season. Most residential verge trees are planted from May to October each year. Depending on when you request a tree, it can take between one to 12 months for it to be planted on your verge. 
Street tree species
Common Name  Species Approximate Mature Height and Width
*at 20 - 30 years
Suitable for Narrow Verges (Yes/ No) Suitable below Powerlines (Yes/ No)
WA Weeping Peppermint  Agonis flexuosa 6m-10m x 8m No Yes
Smooth-barked Apple Angophora costata 10m-30m x 12m No No
Illawarra Flame Tree  Brachychiton acerfolia 10m x 6m Yes No
Red Flowering Gum  Corymbia ficifolia 6m-15m x 10m No Yes
Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis anacardiodes 6m-12m x 7m Yes Yes
Bottlebrush  Callistemon kings park special 5m x 6m Yes No
Weeping Bottlebrush  Callistemon viminalis 7m x 5m Yes Yes
Yellow Gum  Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘rosea’ 10m-15m x 7m No Yes
Red Ironbark  Eucalyptus sideroxylon ‘rosea’ 15m-20m x 10m-15m No No
Coral Gum Eucalyptus torquata 6m x 3m Yes No
Red Cottonwood  Hibiscus tilaceus rubra 8m x 5m Yes Yes
Jacaranda  Jacaranda mimosifolia 15m x 10m No Yes
Crepe Myrtle Lagestroemia sp. 6m-8m x 4m Yes Yes
Crepe Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica 6m-8m x 4m Yes Yes
Liquidamber Liquidamber styraciflua 30m x 6m No No
Broad Leaf Paperpark Melaleuca quinquenervia 8m-12m x 2m-4m No  Yes
Olive Tree  Olea europa 7m x 4m Yes Yes
Ornamental Pear  Pyrus calleryana "Cleveland select" 9m x 7m No Yes
Ornamental Pear  Pyrus calleryana capital 10m x 3m No Yes
Manchurian Pear  Pyrus ussuriensis 9m x 7m No No
Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 13m x 10m No No
Pin Cushion Hakea Hakea laurina 5m x 4m Yes Yes
Water Gum Tristaniopsis laurina “luscious” 7m-12m x 4m No Yes
Norfolk Island Pine Araucaria heterophylla 30m x 10m No No
Hong Kong Orchid Bauhinia x blakeana 8m x 8m No No
Kurrajong  Brachychiton populneus 8m x 4m Yes No
Queensland Bottle Tree Brachychiton rupestris 7m x 4m Yes No
Spotted Gum Corymbia maculata 20m x 10m No No
Royal Poinciana Delonix regia 12m x 10m No Yes
Coral Tree Erythrina sykesii 15m x 8m No Yes
Illyarie or Red Cap Gum Eucalyptus erythrocorys 6m x 6m No No
Fuchsia Mallee Eucalyptus forrestianna 6m x 3m - 4m No Yes
Tuart Tree Eucalyptus gomphocephala 30m x 10m No No
Swamp Mallet Eucalyptus spathulata 6m-8m x 4m Yes Yes
Claret Ash

Fraxinus oxycarpa "Raywood"

12m x 7m No No
Honey Locust  Gleditsia triacanthos 12m x 7m  No No
Honey Locust Gleditsia tricanthos inermis 12m x 10m No No
Red Flowering Paperbark Melaleuca viridiflora "Red" 8m x 4m Yes Yes
Paulownia  Paulownia tomentosa 15m x 10m No  No
Chinese Pistachio Pistacia chinensis 8m x 6m No No
London Plane Tree Platanus acerfolia 30m x 10m No No
Oriental Plane Tree  Platanus orientalis 30m x 10m No No
Ornamental Flowering Plum  Prunus cerasifera sp. 5m x 4m  No Yes
Chinese Tallow Tree Sapium sebiferum syn Triadica sebiferum 8m x 3m - 4m Yes Yes
Street tree pruning
The City is responsible for pruning all street trees on residential verges in Cockburn. The City follows the Australian Pruning Standards, which determine whether a tree should be pruned and the type of pruning done. The Australian standard does not cover powerline clearance pruning as this is done to industry best practice as per Western Power line clearance requirements. 
Following Australian Standards, the City will consider pruning a street tree if it:
  • Improves the safety, structure and health of the tree 
  • Provides clearance for people and vehicles moving below the tree. Generally, this is a minimum of 2m over the footpath and 3.5-4.5m over a carriageway or road 
  • Prevents branches from overhanging a property boundary
  • Maintains safe clearance zones from powerlines as per Western Power requirements
  • Maintains a clear line of sight for vehicles and cyclists.
The City will generally not prune a street tree if:
  • Allergies are experienced by a resident/s
  • The tree is dropping leaves (the City undertakes scheduled and additional road sweeping in areas with heavy leaf litter)
  • The tree is shading solar panels
  • The tree is blocking views. 

How to get your street tree pruned

Getting your street tree pruned generally takes up to eight weeks, depending on City officer and contractor availability and if the tree requires multiple forms of pruning (e.g. under pruning, powerline clearance, Traffic Management, etc).
 If you believe your street tree needs pruning:
  1. Email [email protected] submit your request online or call 08 9411 3444
  2. City reviews the pruning request, conducts a site visit if required and agrees the tree requires pruning
  3. City Officer allocates pruning request to internal crew if they can do this or
  4. City lodges pruning works with an external contractor
  5. City notifies the customer via email or phone, that a request has been raised with the internal crew or external contractor
  6. Internal crew or Contractor completes pruning 
  7. The City updates the customer request, advising the resident that the job has been completed, if they have an email address associated with the request.
If the City concludes that no pruning is required, the City contacts the resident to inform them that pruning will not occur and the reasoning behind the decision. 

If a resident believes a City tree has caused root damage to their property, they can email [email protected], including a description and image.

A City Officer will assess the tree roots and advise the resident of the outcome. They will also send the information to their insurance company for assessment. Residents can also send the information to their own insurance companies.

 If you would like your street tree assessed for removal, please contact us.

Street tree removal
The City is responsible for the removal of verge and reserve trees. Trees will only be considered for removal, under the following circumstances:
  • Dead
  • Diseases
  • Structurally unsound
  • Obstructing an approved works program, by either the City or utilities
  • Tree root damage to public and/or private assets, when root barrier installation is not viable
  • Damage by a declared storm event
  • Identified as an invasive species. 
If you would like more information on street tree removals or would like to have a street tree assessed, please contact us.

More information and contact

For more information or requests for street tree planting, pruning or removal, please call 08 9411 3444 or email us.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past, present and emerging.