Register of Elected Member Training and Professional Development

Elected Members Training Register

Council is committed to the professional development of its elected members to assist in fulfilling their role as an elected Member.  Elected members have a unique and challenging role.

Section 5.126(1) of the Local Government Act 1995 states, each council member must complete training in accordance with regulations within 12 months of being elected to Council.  This applies to those members elected an an ordinary election and an extra-ordinary election.

Section 5.127(2) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 states, elected members must complete mandatory training titled 'Council Member Essentials' which consists of the following modules:

  1. Understanding Local Government;
  2. Serving on Council;
  3. Meeting Procedures;
  4. Conflicts of Interest; and
  5. Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets

A local government must prepare a report for each financial year on the training completed by council members in the financial year. This report is to be published on the local government's website within one month after the end of the financial year.

Council's Policy 'Elected Members Appointments & Training - Standing Committees, Reference Groups, Boards and External Organisations' outlines the professional development training provided to elected members to enable them to undertake their functions.

2023-2024 Financial Year

Mayor Logan Howlett

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
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Deputy Mayor Chontelle Stone

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location

Tom Widenbar

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
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Cr Philip Eva

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
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Cr Michael Separovich

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
Presiding Member Training 31 January 2024 Cascade Pty Ltd $1650.00 City of Cockburn
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Cr Phoebe Corke

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
Infrastructure Assett Management Planning for Elected Members  1 July 2023 IPWEA $275.00 Online
Boardroom Behaviours - Facilitating Effective Chair-Director Decision Making 6 July 2023 AICD $69.00 Webinar
Governing the 'Risky' Business of Culture 11 July 2023 AICD $69.00 Webinar
Climate Summit for Local Government 2023 6-8 September 2023 Cities Power Partnership $3078.44 Melbourne
Conservation Council of WA Conference 13-14 September 2023 Conservation Council of WA $180.00 Perth
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Cr Tarun Dewan

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
Presiding Member Training 31 January 2024 Cascade PTY LTD $1650.00 City of Cockburn
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Cr Carol Reeve-Fowkes

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location

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Cr Carol Zhang

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
Meeting Procedures  14 November 2023 WALGA $495.00 WALGA
Serving on Council  23 & 24 November 2023 WALGA $990.00 WALGA
Understanding Financial Reports & Budgets 8 December 2023 WALGA $495.00 WALGA
Understanding Local Governmant 8 February 2024 WALGA $240.00 WALGA
Conflicts of Interest 8 February 2024 WALGA $240.00 WALGA
2022-2023 Financial Year

Mayor Logan Howlett

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
WALGA Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 26 September 2022 WALGA $195.00 Online
2022 WALGA Conference Registered as State Councillor 2-4 October 2022 WALGA $0 Crown Perth
2022 WALGA Aboriginal Engagement & Reconciliation Forum 5 October 2022 WALGA $127.28 Crown Perth
WALGA The Role of Mayors & Presidents 17 November 2022 WALGA $395.00 WALGA
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Deputy Mayor Tom Widenbar

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
AICD Membership Fee 19 July 2022 AICD $550.00 AICD
Public Speaking Coach Aug & Sep 2022 Chatterbox Public Speaking $10,400.00 In Person
WA State NRM & Coastal Conference 2022 19-21 Sep 2022 City of Mandurah $300.00 City of Mandurah
Public Speaking Coach March 2023 Chatterbox Public Speaking  10,400.00 In Person
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Cr Philip Eva

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
WALGA Conflicts of Interest 27 September 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
WALGA Meeting Procedures and Debating 27 September 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
WALGA Serving on Council 30 September 2022 WALGA $360.00 eLearning
WALGA Understanding Local Government 1 October 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
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Cr Chontelle Stone

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
2022 WALGA Conference 2-4 October 2022 WALGA $1431.82 Crown Perth
2022 WALGA Aboriginal Engagement & Reconciliation Forum 5 October 2022 WALGA $127.28 Crown Perth
2023 WALGA Urban Forest Conference 17 February 2023 WALGA $220.00 Curtin University
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Cr Michael Separovich

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
WALGA Understanding Local Government 13 October 2022 WALGA $177.28 eLearning
WALGA Serving on Council 13 October 2022 WALGA $468.19 WALGA
WALGA Understanding Financial Reports & Budgets 13 October 2022 WALGA $468.19 WALGA
WALGA Conflicts of Interest 13 October 2022 WALGA $177.28 eLearning
WALGA Meeting Procedures 13 October 2022 WALGA $468.19 WALGA
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Cr Phoebe Corke

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
AICD Membership Fee 5 October 2022 AICD $563.64 AICD
Danjoo Koorliny Social Impact Summit 2022 30 November
to 1 December 2022
University of WA $750.00 Kings Park WA
2023 WALGA Urban Forest Conference 17 February 2023 WALGA $220.00 Curtin University
Boardroom Bahavious - Dealing with Ineffective Chairing 25 March 2023 AICD $69.00 Webinar
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Cr Tarun Dewan

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
2022 WALGA Conference 2-4 October 2022 WALGA $1090.91 Crown Perth
ALGA Conference 13-16 June 2023 ALGA $4246.42 Canberra
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Cr Carol Reeve-Fowkes

Training Program Date Attended / Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
WALGA Training Conflicts of Interest 18 October 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
WALGA Training Meeting Procedures 19 October 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
WALGA Training Serving on Council 24 October 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
WALGA Training Understanding Local Government 28 October 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
WALGA Training Understanding Financial Reports & Budgets 23 November 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning

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2021-2022 Financial Year
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Elected Member Training Program Date Attended/Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
Mayor Logan Howlett Media Training  13 July 2021 Cannings Purple
$2450 Perth CBD
WALGA Training 
The Role of Mayors and Presidents
24 November 2021 WALGA  $268.18 WALGA
WALGA Understanding Local Government 3 May 2022 WALGA $195 Online
WALGA Training
Conflicts of Interest
6 May 2022 WALGA  $195 Online
WALGA Training
Meeting Procedures
10 May 2022 WALGA  $195 Online
WALGA Training
Serving on Council
10 May 2022 WALGA $195 Online
Cr Phoebe Corke Noongar Language 27 July to 14 September 2021 Sharon Gregory
Noongar Language
$100 Replants
Wray Ave, Fremantle
AICD Membership Fee 17 September 2021 AICD  $750 AICD 
Company Directors Course
(Completion due February 2023)
1 February 2022 AICD  $4879 eLearning
Auslan Basic 11 October to 29 November 2021 The Western
Australian Deaf Society
$290 Harvest Lakes Community
Deputy Mayor Lara Kirkwood Media Training 13 July 2021 Cannings Purple
$2450 Perth CBD
Cr Tom Widenbar Managing People Who Don't Work for You 12-13 July 2021 AIM WA  $2450 Perth CBD 
Company Directors Course
(Completion due August 2022)
1 August 2021 ACID $4879 eLearning
AICD Membership Fee 14 September 2021 AICD $750 AICD 
Conflict Resolution
(No Certificate - Course Incomplete)
6&7 December 2021 (Non attendance 7 December 2021)  AIM WA  $1032 AIM WA
Public Speaking Coach 21 January 2022 Chatterbox Public Speaking $2000 Chatterbox
AICD The Role of the Chair 29 April 2022 AICD  $912 AICD
Public Speaking Coach May & June 2022 Chatterbox Public Speaking $4000 Chatterbox 
Cr Tarun Dewan WALGA 2021 New Councillor Seminar 12 November 2021 WALGA $0 WALGA 
WALGA Training Meeting Procedures 18 November 2021 WALGA $450 WALGA
WALGA Training
Serving on Council
25 & 26 November 2021 WALGA $900 WALGA
WALGA Training
Understanding Financial 
Reports & Budgets
9 & 13 December 2021 WALGA $450 WALGA & Online
WALGA Training
Professionally Speaking
30 March 2022 WALGA  $477.27 WALGA 
WALGA Training
Underestanding Local Government
16 June 2022 WALGA  $218.18 Virtual 
WALGA Training
Conflicts of Interest
16 June 2022 WALGA $218.18 Virtual 
Cr Kevin Allen WALGA Training Conflicts of Interest 7 June 2022 WALGA  $195.00 eLearning
WALGA Training Meeting Procedures 8 June 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
WALGA Training Serving on Council 11 June 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
  WALGA Training Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 12 June 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
  WALGA Training
Understanding Local Government
13 June 2022 WALGA $195.00 eLearning
  UDIA Conference 2-4 March 2022 UDIA $1772.08 Bunker Bay
Cr Phil Eva WALGA Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 9 December 2021 WALGA $450.00 WALGA
2020-2021 Financial Year
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Elected Member Training Program Date Attended/Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
Cr Phoebe Corke Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 4 September 2020 WALGA $195 eLearning
Cr Michael Separovich Dealing with Conflict 17 March 2021 WALGA $525 WALGA Office
Developing & Communicating Sound Organisational Policy & Procedures 25 - 26 May 2021 Policy Skills $2290 Online Workshop
Effective Community Leadership 10 June 2021 WALGA $525 WALGA
Dr Chamonix Terblanche Integrated Strategic Planning - The Essentials 10 March 2021 WALGA $525 WALGA
Dealing with Conflict 14 July 2020 WALGA $525 WALGA
Planning Practices - The Essentials 11 March 2021 WALGA $525 WALGA
Integrated Strategic Planning - Policy 7 April 2021 WALGA $525 WALGA
Cr Tom Widenbar Meeting Procedures and Debating 5 July 2020 WALGA $195 eLearning
Understanding Local Government 7 July 2020 WALGA $195 eLearning
Cr Chontelle Stone IAP2 Australiasia’s Certificate in Engagement March 2021 International Association for Public Participation $1982.20 The Pagoda
Diploma of Local Government
(Elected Member)
14 May 2021 WALGA $2475 WALGA
2019-2020 Financial Year
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Elected Member Training Program Date Attended/Completed Training Provider Cost ($) Location
Deputy Mayor Lara Kirkwood Serving on Council 4-5 November 2019 WALGA 900.00 WALGA Office
Meetings Procedures and Debating 7 November 2019 WALGA 475.00 WALGA Office
Dealing with Conflict 19 November 2019 WALGA 525.00 WALGA Office
Cr Phoebe Corke Understanding Local Government 3 November 2019 WALGA 195.00 eLearning
Conflict of Interest 3 November 2019 WALGA 195.00 eLearning
Meeting Procedures and Debating 3 November 2019 WALGA 195.00 eLearning
Serving on Council 13-14 November 2019 WALGA 900.00 WALGA Office
Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 4 September 2020 WALGA 195.00 eLearning
Dr Chamonix Terblanche Serving on Council 23-24 January 2020 WALGA 900.00 WALGA Office
Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 29 January 2020 WALGA 475.00 WALGA Office
CEO Performance Appraisals 15 June 2020 WALGA 450.00 Virtual Classroom (Online)
Cr Tom Widenbar Conflict of Interest 23 June 2020 WALGA 195.00 eLearning

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City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past, present and emerging.