Jandakot Treeby Planning Investigation Area

Minister for Planning decision announced – 10 August 2023 

On August 10, 2023, the Minister for Planning made a decision regarding the Jandakot Treeby Planning Investigation Area (PIA). This area was under investigation to figure out what its future use should be according to the state planning framework. It has been decided that it will become an urban area in the future.

However, the land still has to go through a process of rezoning under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and the City's local planning scheme. The exact timeline for this process is unknown at this stage.


This decision is based on the West Australian Planning Commission's (WAPC) framework called Perth and Peel @3.5million. They identified a "Planning Investigation Area" of approximately 625 hectares in Jandakot/Treeby, which is next to the Jandakot Airport. Currently, the area is categorized as "Rural – Water Protection" under the MRS and "Resource" under the City's TPS3. It's mostly used for rural lifestyle purposes, following the guidelines of State Planning Policy (SPP) 2.3 known as "Jandakot Groundwater Protection."

Detailed studies and investigations were to be undertaken by the WAPC to determine whether any change to current zonings is appropriate. They noted the following key considerations:

  • Impacts, risks and management of Jandakot groundwater resources (existing Priority 2 Source Protection Area)
  • Protection of significant environmental values
  • ANEF considerations associated with Jandakot Airport.

For more information visit the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage website.

Questions and Answers

I have developers approaching me to buy my land. I’m not interested - do I need to sell to them?
I have a home and/or business on my land. I want to continue living/working here – is that okay?

The Minister’s decision concerns the future purpose of the land in your area. The zoning of the land has not changed yet. 

Even if there is a change in zoning, current approved uses and homes can still stay as they are.

I want to subdivide – where do I start?
Several important steps need to happen before subdivisions can take place. The current zoning still applies and needs to be changed first, under the MRS and the local planning scheme. The City believes a district structure plan is also appropriate first to ensure that the necessary infrastructure for the future community is properly planned from the beginning. We'll provide more information about this process on the webpage as we receive clearer instructions from the DPLH.
Will there be public consultation about further development?
Most planning processes of this nature include several public consultations.  
What about the impact on groundwater and the wetlands?

The City will advocate for a comprehensive study demonstrating protection of the groundwater resource, the impact on the wetlands and other environmental values. 

What about the existing trees and vegetation?

The City view this as an essential element in the future planning of the area. Part of the analysis developers should provide include identification of remnant bushland, ecological corridors and areas of conservation value to be protected. They must also propose safeguarding measures before any alterations in land use or modifications to zoning under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS).

What about the risk of bushfires?

Any MRS amendment and district structure planning process should consider bushfire management, which may recommend adaptation of the existing road network and cul-de-sac to provide safe and adequate access. 

Jandakot Airport is next to this area. What happens to the airport?

Jandakot Airport is on land owned by the Commonwealth and operates independently from the Perth International Airport (PIA). The airport’s future development is governed by the Jandakot Airport Masterplan. The airport could be impacted by future development occurring at the PIA.

Ensuring that land use planning takes into account the airport's operational requirements is crucial to guarantee its continued viability.

Would Jandakot Airport influence what development takes place near this area?
The State Government has a policy that guides development near the airport. Consideration of the impact on the airport from potential sensitive land uses is another planning element needing consideration. 
Will there be new schools and parks?

Every housing project must allocate a minimum of 10 percent for public open space.

Additionally, the Department of Education (DOE) evaluates the requirement for state schools (both primary and high schools) in new regions. The DOE decides whether there is a necessity for new schools and identifies their suitable locations.

How will our roads cope with more traffic?
The City has recently made important road upgrades in this area. Despite this, the City views the modelling of the transport and traffic network as a crucial aspect of future planning for this area. This helps determine if further upgrades are necessary.
There are so many issues to consider – how are they all assessed?

The City’s draft Local Planning Strategy acknowledges how complex this area is.

 In the event of a Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendment, the City intends to advocate for a district-structure planning approach. This approach would involve:

  • Staging and identification of logical cells for coordinated planning
  • Structure plan implementation requirements 
  • Infrastructure needs and requirements, including community infrastructure. 
  • Network of public open space to meet the recreational needs of the community. 
  • Appropriately sized and located centre (local or neighbourhood centre, if appropriate) to meet the needs of the community. 
  • Traffic impact assessment. 
  • Fire management. 
  • Community benefit. 

Contacts and more information 

For more information please read the Ministers media release, or contact the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage (DPLH) on 6551 8002 or email [email protected] 

As this is a State decision, the City has no additional information beyond that contained in the Minister for Planning’s media release. We will keep the community updated as and when we receive information.

For general enquiries about the planning process please contact the City’s Strategic Planning team on 08 9411 3444 or email  [email protected] 



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

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8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past, present and emerging.