Former Glen Iris Golf Course, Jandakot

Project Update

12 September 2023

On the 11 September 2023 the Western Australian Planning Commission approved the subdivision of Lot 6 and Lot 7 Glen Iris Drive and Lot 139 Imlah Court, Jandakot (the former Glen Iris Golf Course lots north of Berrigan Drive) for residential development. The subdivision includes road networks and residential housing lots including group housing and public open space sites. The subdivision approval allows the developer to start undertaking subdivision works of the Stage 1 Area (first stage), which will include earthworking, land levelling and installation of infrastructure services as per the approval.

September 2023

Environmental consultants are investigating and relocating fauna that may be living in the Stage 1 works area. The City’s Environmental and Landscape officers will attend site to provide further technical advice and management responsibilities on fauna relocation. The developer is currently installing several dust management initiatives including 2.4m high fencing and shade cloth to form a dust barrier, four dust monitors providing real-time records and alerts, and a fenced dam connected to a groundwater bore to supply water for dust suppression. The developers are identifying trees for protection, installing protective fencing in accordance with Australian Standards.

19 June 2023

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has required modification and resubmission for approval of the Glen Iris Estate Structure Plan.
A copy of the Statutory Planning Committee minutes (13 June 2023), inclusive of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) Officer report, recommendation and final WAPC resolution (including the list of required modifications) can be sourced directly from the Statutory Planning Committee Agenda and Minutes page of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
Formal notification will be sent to all submitters once the final decision letter is issued by the WAPC (following its checking of the completed modifications).

14 June 2023

The City has received formal notice of the Minister for Planning’s decision to approve the Scheme Amendment.
The approved Amendment was published in the Government Gazette on Friday 16 June 2023.

Links to the signed Amendment documents, gazettal notice, Council OCM Reports and the EPA decision notice can all be sourced from the City’s Approved Scheme Amendments page.

7 June 2023

The City has received notification from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) that the Structure Plan application (SPN/2330) 110/226 - Glen Iris Estate, will be considered by the Statutory Planning Committee at its meeting on Tuesday, 13 June 2023.

A copy of the agenda is available from the Statutory Planning Committee Agenda and Minutes page of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) website.

Any queries in relation to this matter should be directed to DPLH on 6551 9910 or via email to [email protected]u

30 May 2023

The City has received a Demolitian Permit to remove the Glen Iris clubrooms. The permit ensures that demolition will occur safely and with consideration to neighbours. The permit may be subject to conditions.

Under section 10 of the Building Act 2011, any person demolishing a building or part of a building / structure must ensure that they obtain a Demolition Permit from their local government authority prior to the commencement of any demolition works. ​

The demolition of the clubrooms is expected to start in the coming weeks.

12 May 2023

The City has met with the developers of the project to discuss the process moving forward for the development of the former Glen Iris Golf Club. We have been updated with key project milestones, and depending on the approval process, development may occur as early as this year. 
When will the developer start earthworks on the site?
The City has been advised that the developers will be seeking to start earthworks to prepare the site for residential development. Depending on the approval process, this may occur as early as this year.
The Minister has only recently supported the proposal, why are they seeking to demolish and start earthworks now? Is that legal?
It is not unusual for developers to lodge concurrent applications and permits for earthworks and removing buildings to make way for development. The City will ensure that the development is in accordance with the recommendations made by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Minister for Planning and our internal technical officers, so that they are consistent with the structure plan vision for the area.
What will the City be looking at closely as part of this process?
The City's technical officers will look at recommendations for dealing with dust, noise, construction traffic, drainage, tree retention, open space development and other considerations as outlined in the structure plan documentation.

May 2023

The City has received formal notice of the State Government’s decision to provide conditional approval for the scheme amendment relating to the former Glen Iris Golf Course. For more information view the State Government's media statement.

Where can I go to discuss the Minister’s decision?
Call the Minister's office on 6552 5500.
Is there a right to appeal the Minister’s decision?

March 2023

On 21 March the City received notification from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) that the Scheme Amendment will be considered by its Statutory Planning Committee at its meeting on Tuesday 28 March 2023.
A copy of the agenda can be sourced directly from the Statutory Planning Committee Agenda and Minutes page of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
Any queries in relation to this matter should be directed to DPLH on 6551 8002 or [email protected]

November 2022

At its Ordinary Council Meeting on 10 November 2022, Council recommended the WA Planning Commission (WAPC) refuse Amendment No. 152 to the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No. 3 and the proposed Glen Iris Estate Structure Plan.

How do I find out more information?

Enquiries about the development implementation process can be directed to the City’s Development Services team on 9411 3444 or via [email protected]

More detailed information is also available in the FAQ below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is the decision maker?
Scheme amendments: Minister for Planning
Structure plans: WA Planning Commission
Subdivision: WA Planning Commission
What role did the City and Council take in the redevelopment process?
The City played a role in initial processing of both the scheme amendment and structure plan processes, and made recommendations as to how they should be determined, but was not the ultimate decision maker (for either process).

Traffic/access concerns
A key component of the development is the introduction of a new traffic light controlled intersection onto Berrigan Drive, in concert with adjustments to the existing intersections of The Lakes Boulevard and Turnbury Park Drive.
Clearing bush/vegetation/wildlife concerns (Including draining lakes)
Both the Scheme Amendment and Structure Plans were accompanied by an Environmental Assessment Report and Management Statement specifically addressing the various environmental issues relating to potential redevelopment.  This information remains available on the City's Comment on Cockburn website.
This followed Department Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) approval to relocate resident turtles to an approved location, ahead of most of the lakes on-site were drained in July 2020.  
What powers do the City have to make sure the property doesn’t become an ‘eyesore’?
There are no provisions in any Act which the local government can use to force landowners to keep their property well-manicured and irrigated.
Should there be other matters such as illegal dumping or storage of materials, then the City is able to deal with this.
Under the Local Government Act, the City’s Rangers can ensure the property is kept in a tidy condition; this is generally only applied in a circumstance where a build-up of disused material is readily seen from the Road.
The land will continue to be inspected each year (in November/ Dec) by the City’s Fire Officer to ensure compliance with their fire management obligations.  If there is a build-up of grass, the City can initiate a Works Order on the owner to ensure the grass is mown (or any other fire safety risk is removed). 
Can the City force the new landowner to keep watering the grass/trees?
No, the former Glen Iris Golf Course is private land and like any private landowner, if they decide not to irrigate their land, that is their choice.

The landowner must continue to meet their fire management obligations however, which will require the grass being mown during summer to an acceptable height.
Can the City ensure fire breaks are provided?
A firebreak variation has been approved by the City.

The entire site will be managed to a low fuel state during the high threat period, allowing vehicles to traverse it as per the requirements of the variation.

Outside of the high threat period the grass will be managed within 20m of adjacent residential properties.
How could redevelopment affect the price of my home?
If this is a concern, you should seek the opinion of a licenced property valuer.

Importantly, whilst the value of property can be an important consideration for home owners, it is not a valid ‘planning consideration’ that the local government is permitted to consider in its assessment of a proposal.



City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past, present and emerging.